How to Fix Common Flooring Problems

Intermediate 30-120 minutes

Learn how to diagnose and fix common flooring issues across different types of flooring materials.

Common Problems & Solutions

Squeaky Floors

Wooden floors making noise when walked on.


  1. Locate squeaky areas
  2. Check for loose boards
  3. Drive screws through joists
  4. Apply lubricating powder
  5. Test repair area

Loose Tiles

Tiles that move or sound hollow when tapped.


  1. Remove loose tile
  2. Clean old adhesive
  3. Apply new mortar
  4. Reset tile
  5. Regrout after 24 hours

Carpet Stains

Visible stains or discoloration on carpet.


  1. Blot stain (don't rub)
  2. Apply cleaning solution
  3. Work from outside in
  4. Rinse thoroughly
  5. Dry completely

What You'll Need

Cleaning supplies
Putty knife

Maintenance Tips

Clean floors regularly

Use proper cleaning products

Address spills immediately

Inspect annually for damage